Friday, May 30, 2008

Kailey's Answers

This kid questionnaire has been going around on some fellow bloggers blogs so I decided to ask Kailey these questions. I thought she would probably be way to young to answer them but she actually did really, really good! Pretty cute...

1. Who is your favorite person?
Grama Ceedy and Grama Burrell

2. What is your favorite food that mommy cooks?

3. What do you usually pray for?
papa to feel better and rice

4. What is your favorite place to eat out?

5. What is the silliest thing your daddy does?
play the game ride the horsey

6. How do your parents know so much?
too much

7. Who is Jesus?
He loves me

8. What is the most important rule?
Not to say no

9. What is the yuckiest food and why?
Vinegar, cuz I don't like it

10. Who are you going to marry?
my daddy

11. What are you going to name your children?

12. What is the best thing about grandparents?
chocolate and horses

13. What is your favorite toy?
my phone