My baby started walking this week! My life is changing right before my eyes. She walks around following Kailey wherever she goes. She wants to do and be right next to her. It is so sweet. It has made me think about how a couple of years ago I read a book called
In His Steps. It was the story of a man who for a period of time attempted to walk in the steps of Jesus. Everything he said, everywhere he went, all decesions he made were as if he were Jesus. As you can imagine, it was just about impossible. However, the experience changed this man's life forever.
We are not Jesus-nor will we ever be. Yet Jesus left us with His example of how life should be lived. As we walk through life on earth we will experience daily situations that will reveal our character. Jesus gave us an example of kindness and gentleness. He was full of sympathy and affection, and always loved with mercy.
Jesus said, beloved, I understand your pain, your grief, the tragedy of friends who betray you. I know you live in a world where there is sickness and sin you can do nothing about. I care, and i can help you. As the Lord lives in us , He will form us into the beautiful, marvelous imagesof God according to our own uniqueness.
No, we will never be Jesus. But we can develop a teachable spirit everyday. We can love Him and desire Him in our hearts with all our soul, mind, and strength. We will then find ourselves transformed into a giving, loving spirit with the joy of Jesus in our hearts. Our character will then reveal the likeness of Jesus.
I have been thinking about this alot this week. I keep asking myself, are the qualities of Jesus evident in my life? I want them to be. I want to be like Him. The deepest part of my heart and soul aches for His wisdom and to be able to walk through this life being that example to my girls.