Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kailey's Preschool Graduation

Last night was a fun night for Kailey. She was excited all day along about her graduation ceremony. It was a cute ceremony. They sang several songs that they had practiced through out the school year. They said the Pledge of Allegiance, signed the entire alphabet, and quoted John 3:16. Very cute! Kailey was full of smiles the first half of the ceremony but the last part she started to get shy and had her hands in her mouth and was covering her eyes. It was precious. Of course I was full of tears. It was an emotional experience for me. My baby is growing up so fast. They read the book entitled, Let Me Hold You Longer, written by Karen Kingsbury. If you are a mom of young kids you should read it. It reminds us how we always celebrate the "firsts" in our child's life; the first laugh, the first time they walk, the first day of school, the first date, etc. but this book reminds us to cherish their "lasts" too...the last time they ask you to rock them, the last time they crawl into bed with you, etc. It was really good! The lighting was not good for pictures but here are a few moments we captured.

1 comment:

Chris said...

YES, Very nice, but very tearful just knowing that our little girl is growing so fast, lets remember to celebrate the lasts as well! LOVE YOU!!!